Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Garden

Yesterday I spent the day out in the yard with my son and husband; we had a very productive day. We worked on a project that has needed to get done for the past two years. Due to some medical problems last summer the project got put on hold and we have been so busy this summer not had any time to work on it. Your are now asking what this project is, well we needed to finish off the retaining wall around the sand that was brought in a couple years ago to build up our patio we finished half of it by building a rock wall to hold the sand in place and covering the sand with pavers but then we ran out of summer so it was left to finish last year but I was laided up all summer so it was left again. To now to yesterday, no Monday night we were able to get some dirt from some friends so several tons of dirt got dumped on the lawn. So now to Wednesday morning up (not too early) and oh, Son was hungry and since he isn't home to often now I made us a nice breakfast. So well feed we headed out to the garden and stated moving dirt and rocks to build up one side of the patio. We used rail road ties on the others side and due to the slope of the yard did not have to retain the back side of the patio. The project was moving right along when,
Oh no,

we dug into the drainage pipe that drains the rain gutters so had to stop the momentum to fix that. But we got back on track and the walls went up and the dirt was moved. The dirt was leveled out this morning; well almost still have lots of leveling left to do and need to sow grass seed on the new dirt. It will sure be nice to have a level yard to mow, the rest of the dirt was pushed into the dip were we cut down some trees. So stay tune for more updates


Thursday, August 6, 2009

The Taste of Summer

Went out to the garden today and found we finally have a few larger tomatoes and an eggplant. We have been eating a few cherry tomatoes which are good but you just wait for the big ones to turn red. This summer has not been so great for the garden, to cool so it has set everything back a few weeks. The peppers really are hating it don't thinks we will get many. We also has some problems with a wood chuck, who kept getting in. He ate the cabbages, beans zucchini, and lettuce so I replanted them and they are coming along slowly.

I didn't think to get a picture of the eggplant before cutting it and breading it for eggplant parmesan. So here is the eggplant breaded and ready to fry can't wait. There are a two more within a couple of days of harvesting.

My herb are also doing well they have liked it this year, I made pesto Wednesday and still have lots of basil to use so will make up some more next week.

Hope your gardens are starting to produce.
There sure is nothing like having grown your own food.
Have a great Day!
